1.Sierrasol®19-19-19+2MgO+TE is a complete foliar feeding that will help prevent deficiencies of all major and minor elements. Especially in stressed or poor growing circumstances where root uptake is difficult (e.g. cold, wet weather conditions, high soil pH).
2.Sierrasol® 19-19-19+2MgO+TE is produced from the purest raw materials. It will dissolve quickly and totally, so that application is easy, and no blocking of your equipment can occur. Also, due to it’s pure ingredients.
3.Sierrasol® 19-19-19+2MgO+TE will give a fast response.
4.Sierrasol® 19-19-19+2MgO+TE is highly concentrated. You will need relatively small quantities of product.
5.The unique MV-77 chelating and stimulant formula in Sierrasol® guarantees good uptake through the leaves and prolonged availability of microelements.
6.Sierrasol® is supplied in easily disposable bags.